Pediatric Chiropractic in Abilene
Why should children see a chiropractor?
Although, bumps, falls and wrestling matches are often what comes to mind with our kids when we think of physical stress, actual physical stressors start much earlier, most commonly researched as starting during the prenatal or birth process.
In addition to physical stressors, our kids live in a busier, more complex generation than we did. Schedules are packed, social media is everywhere, and food quality isn’t what it used to be. Simply put, we have more coming from every direction, and all combined, it can be overwhelming!
The more ‘stressors’ that build up, the harder it is for our bodies to adapt and overcome, leaving our kids’ nervous system to get stuck on the gas pedal.
Think of the spine as not just a collection of bones, muscles, and ligaments, but instead as an entire neurological “organ” that is the key communication highway between the brain and body. When the brain and body can communicate well, kids can adapt to their surroundings better.
We believe it is easier to be proactive and relieve the stress on the spine and nervous system of growing children than it is to try to unwind years of stress when they are adults.

My child doesn't like going to see doctors/doesn't sit still...I'm worried how they will react. Is chiropractic still an option?
Absolutely! You may be surprised to see that our office is different. Children and families have fun here. Your child will see that and it will make a difference. If your kiddo doesn't want to sit still or isn't ready, Dr. Cory will meet them where they are at...if that's the floor one day, that's okay! We won't force anything.
How do you adjust children?
The technique is the same as it would be with an adult, however, for babies and toddlers, the pressure applied is only about what it takes to check the ripeness of a tomato.
Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic may include
Better digestion
Fewer colds and ear infections
Decreased asthma, allergies, colic
Better breastfeeding success
Increased ability to focus
Optimal neuroplasticity
Better sleep
Mood regulation
Decreased stress
"I want to keep seeing Dr. Cory. He makes me not crazy."
-Callen, 5 years old